Land has been designated for non-industrial employment uses such as education, skill-development and R&D or knowledge-based activities

Phase 1 Area
2500.49 Acres
Phase 2 Area
4132.8 Acres
Phase 3 Area
4201.21 Acres
Land has been designated for non-industrial employment uses such as education, skill-development and R&D or knowledge-based activities
Residential area allocation in (Phase 1) is made so as to take maximum advantage of site area facing the sea to enable easy access to the existing Krishnapatnam beach and excellent views
Adequate provision has been made for road right of ways, with the emphasis on public transport provision and landscaped boulevards and pedestrian areas
A high proportion of the site is given over to open space and existing waterbodies so as to create an attractive and desirable living environment.
Portion of the site along the coastline has area dedicated for conservation of natural landscape and preservation of habitat.
The Chennai Bangalore Industrial Corridor (CBIC) along Chennai – Bengaluru – Chitradurga (around 560 km) will have an influence area spread across the three states – Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
Necessary buffers along forest owned lands are provided as per statutory requirements.
The Krishnapatnam node under CBIC resonates with the industrial development strategy adopted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. The vision of the state is outlined progressively for three horizon years
The total population for the Krishnapatnam Node has been estimated to be 3,12,000 comprising of captive jobs (generated from industrial employment) and associated residential population.
The project will involve development of approximately 5,500 acres of industrial area and will generate vast employment opportunities.
It has been estimated that by 2040, the proposed project will generate about 5,15,900 industrial jobs comprising of both direct and indirect employment.
The project will involve development of approximately 5,500 acres of industrial area and will generate vast employment opportunities.
It has been estimated that by 2040, the proposed project will generate about 5,15,900 industrial jobs comprising of both direct and indirect employment.
The total population for the Krishnapatnam Node has been estimated to be 3,12,000 comprising of captive jobs (generated from industrial employment) and associated residential population.