About us


The Chennai Bangalore Industrial Corridor (CBIC) along Chennai – Bengaluru – Chitradurga (around 560 km) will have an influence area spread across the three states – Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

It is expected to boost commerce by enabling quicker movement of goods from East Asia to the ports in South India. The CBIC is set to have a direct impact on 47.5 million population creating competencies with other Asian Economies.

To become a showcase of Andhra Pradesh‘s leading manufacturing industries

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Krishnapatnam Node Under CBIC

The Krishnapatnam node under CBIC resonates with the industrial development strategy adopted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. The vision of the state is outlined progressively for three horizon years

One of the three high-performing states in India by 2022-2023 Best State in the country by 2029-2030 A leading investment destination in the world by 2050-2051

Our team

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore

Shri Rajeev Sharma

Director, NKICDL
Senior Manager (Infrastructure Development),NICDC Ltd.

Shri M Abhishikth Kishore

Managing Director, NKICDL
VC & MD, APIIC Limited

Shri Rohit Upadhyay

Director, NKICDL
General Manager (Projects & Technical
and HR), NICDC Ltd.

Shri N Yuvraj IAS

Chairman, NKICDL
Secretary to GoAP, Industries &
Commerce Dept.

Shri Pradeep Kumar Agarwal

Director NKICDL,

Shri Vadduri Vivek

Director NKICDL,
Addl. Commissioner, APICDA

Dr. Kinnera Murthy Bhagavatula

Independent Director, NKICDL

Dr. Narendra Kumar Nanda

Independent Director, NKICDL